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20  january 2016


Frame 19 is finished, and is glued against the keel. I am satisfied with the inside line, although there were no drawings of section U. Meanwhile, the parts of frames 17 and 18 have been sawn. Both beams will be the double frame of section X.






17 january 2016


Past few days I've been working hard on frame 19 and 20. Frame 20 is ready and has been glued to the keel. The two halves of frame 19 (last picture) are already glued together and must now dry. Once it is dry, then it is provided with copper pins, and this can also be glued against the keel.


Meanwhile, my supply of wood for the frames was almost gone. I had no wood for the frames of section X more. This morning started the heavy machinery and I have been quite sawing and planing. We can provisionally ahead.






11 january 2016


I could not resist last night again and have the two parts of section U still glued to the keel. Tonight everything aligned and firmly put on the mold.


Up to frame 19 and 20.






10 january 2016


Today was a productive day. Frame 21 and 22 are today glued to each other and provided with copper pins. Then sanded and polished everything. Next week is section X against the keel glued and clamped.






9 january 2016


It is not easy to make the frames 21 and 22 (double frame), from section U. There are no drawings of this part. The frame is several times dry fit put together.

The left and right parts of frame 22 are now ready. I've already started to glue frame 21 to frame 22.






6 january 2016

In the last days I have cut, in the lost hours, the components of frame 21 and 22 (Section U). First glue everything and then I can make the turn and slope surfaces.






3 january 2016


Frame 23 is ready and is disposed on the keel. Now to the frames of section U. The components of frame 22 have already been sawn. Now check all everything and make everything fit. Project for next week.






2 january 2016


It's a tough job to glue the frames twisted together. The various components are glued into each other in such a way, that there is a lower side and an upper side of a frame. After these two half frames have the right shape, everything first "dry fit" put together and only then glued together. It takes quite some time, but results count.


Frame 23 is now glued together and can now dry. Tomorrow I place the copper pins in the frame, sanding and this frame may also be glued to the keel.

In the meantime I have drawn the frames of U section (22 and 21). If tomorrow there's any time left over, I saw the parts.





30 december 2015


Today I have the brass pins mounted in frame 24 and sanded the frame. I took a picture of the frame on side, in this way the rotation is more visible.


After that, the frame is glued to the keel. I'm still happy with the result, everything fits perfectly. During the drying of the glue, I have cut the components of frame 23 and glued to each other in. So we are back on steam.






29 september 2015


Yesterday was a disaster. The components of December 27, I can throw away. A second attempt came to nothing, I just did not get the turn properly in the frame. Enough waste wood produced so....


Eventually I therefore found the solution to build a good turn in the frame, It's only been three weeks puzzling. Yesterday I again cut all the pieces and the frame partially put together. This morning so it was large moment to glue the two portions twisted together.


After they were glued, I stayed a few hours outside the workplace. Finally everything was dry and I could separate the frame.... It is me finally managed to find a good building method....My wife calls me an "grumpy old man" ..... yep, that bad can it be if something fails three weeks;-)


Tomorrow I can provide the frame with brass pins. After that, everything just sanding and gluing the frame to the keel .. The components of timber 23 have been cut .... take it easy;-)


Henk, not a grumpy old man



27 december 2015


I have used the quiet moments during and around Christmas to develop a new strategyThere is not a cross section of U, so I must build itself into the flow of the bow. Normally there is space between the frames, but frames from frame 25 are all against each other.


After the failed attempt to build frame 9 and 10, it is now the best option to build from frame 25 forward .In recent days I have the components of frame 24 drawn on the wood. This morning I cut all the components of frame 24. The lower and upper parts are now glued. Everything must now equally dry and tomorrow I'll fit the lower part suitable to frame 25.


