25 november 2015
Started with the frames 25 and 26. The components of timber 25 are finished and the timber is already half in another. All fixed starting with the parts of frame 26. In the meantime, I'm going to draw all the components for the frames 27 and 28.

22 november 2015
Today I,ve not done much to the POF, today I've been mostly concerned with the guns (see other blog). Recent days I have been working on the frames 29
t / m 32. Friday all four placed on the keel and secured together by some connecting blocks. The curves are now beginning to come inside. After consultation with the back office (in the south) I decided not to sand the frames now. Firts I'm going to produce the frames 25 t / m 28 and put them on the keel. These are the last 4 frames which, to the bowside, to be placed on the keel. The frames 24 and lower numbers are namely placed against the keel.
Since yesterday I am now working a year on this project. Looking back, I now have a large part of the keel and built 47 frames. I must build another 102 frames to arrive at the 149 pieces. Mwah .... so I'm still busy with the frames.
Tonight once again I start to draw the parts for timber 25 and 26.
18 november
The frames 29 and 30 of section Q coming along nicely. Tomorrow I glue the last four sections of frame 29 can be directly and then the portions of frame 30 to 29 are glued. Tonight I'm going to draw the components of timber 31 and 32, then I can put this weekend the four frames of section Q on the keel
14 november 2015
Yesterday and today I worked on the frames of section O and the two half frames between M and O. Today I continue to attached the frames on the keel. The 6th picture is slightly underexposed, but shows clearly the flow rising to the surface.
This weekend, I continue to prepare the frames of section Q,
11 november 2015
Started with section O
7 november 2015
Yesterday I did prepared the double frame section M and put them on the keel. I made a few photos in the longitudinal direction and forming the bow is already visible. You can see the curvature inside the hull. On to Section O.
1 november 2015
Today we start with the frames of the Vic POF. I first want to finish the frames towards the bow, and I am now arrived at the trickiest part of the hull. The middle section is quite easy to produce, but the bow and the stern provide an extra challenge.
In addition to the fact that the frames at the bottom from today are getting thicker, they also rotate along with the bow. I have made two pictures to make it visible. This means I have to produce frame by frame separately and set this directly on the keer within the flow of the trunk. Frankly, this work is more fun to do.
Today I have draw the components of frame 39 and 38. I stepped over to another wood glue (Titebond) and can honestly say that this was not a wrong choice. It works better and is easier to handle after.
So we are back on track.