18 march 2016
The frames of Section 5 are placed on the keel and ready. Everything is sanded again, the production is high. At this time, 85 of the 149 frames are ready. I start tomorrow with section 7, frames 86 t / m 89.
17 march 2016
Meanwhile, the two half-frames 82 and 85 as well as all finished, the brass pins are already there. The double frame 83 and 85 of section 5 is almost ready and is drying. Tomorrow I put the copper pins in the frame.
12 march 2016
It went well today. The frames also already on keel. The hull is starting increasingly to assume greater proportions. Frame 81 is the first frame that sits behind the main entrance and entrance sailors. From the frames here ever higher.
In order to give a small indication of the height of the hull , I put a 1.5 liter coke bottle next frame 81. Frame 81 extends nearly 4 centimeters above the bottle.
Tomorrow I'm going to start with the frames of section 5.

11 march 2016
The speed is in. Last week I got the frames 76, 77 and 78 prepared. Frame 77 and 78 is in fact an odd frame, it consists of a normal and a thinner frame, and are coupled to each other. Actually a double frame so. Normally I leave the double frames fully completed on both sides, but I decided to cut it off. I did this because the frame in addition to the double frame section 3 and 2 double continuous frames together draws the attention away from the inside.
Meanwhile, frame 79, 80 and 81 are ready and these are drying now. Frame 78 and 80 form the double frame off section 3. Tomorrow I will provide all the framess with copper pins, then they can be placed on the keel. Placing the frames on the keel, I booked it for Sunday.
6 march 2016
Today I first made a stack of Pear wood for frames and Holly Oak wood for the top of the keel. Holly Oak wood is difficult to work and I noticed when planing the wood. There breaking pieces of wood. That was the right reason to start once again at the mill to see how that goes. Milling going incredibly well and gives a very smooth surface. It need hardly be sanded and is very hard. It is therefore sawing and milling .
I have a piece of Pear Wood and the milled surface of Holly Oak put into the oil, just to see the final result. The colors are warm and also my lovely wife could accept the choices.
Then I've checked the hull and here and there some sanded and polished. The curves are controlled with a 1mm thick bar and it closes across the curve on. I am satisfied.
After cleaning up the workshop and all the dust to be removed, I made some overview pictures. We're going to start next week with frame 76.
5 march 2016
I have not posted for a few days but have been working hard on the bow. All frames are there in the bow side .... he is now closed. In November I thought I needed a half year for the bowside, it is fortunately gone faster.
From the 149 frames are now 75 ready and I've done exactly one year and two days. So I know what I can do the upcoming year.
Next week so I will start from the main frame and then work backwards.
1 march 2016
Frames 7 and 8 are placed on the keel. It was more complicated than I thought. The drawings provide few details on these points and therefore it is constantly measured. But first start with the part that frames 1 t / m 6 to be placed.
23 february 2016
Finally, they are now on the keel .... the double frame composed of frame 9 and 10. From mid-December, I have this frame already built 2x and both times they are gone in the bin.
This morning I checked everything again asked, a little sanding and now I am satisfied with the curves, position, etc.. Upcoming days starting with frame 7 and 8. The curves are here less. We have had the most difficult part of the bow ...... right?